Member-only story
It’s summertime again, and that means it’s time for people to continue to get summer reading wrong. I wrote last year about how to do summer reading correctly, but most of the world didn’t actually read that article, and I’ve seen people making the same mistakes.
Summer is a good time to ignore reading levels! Summer is a great time to let a kid read whatever interests them, no matter what the genre! Yes, magazines count! Yes, audiobooks count! Yes, for the last time, comics and graphic novels count!
I know I’m probably preaching to the choir, especially with that last one, considering how many comics and graphic novels are reviewed on this site. But the word still apparently needs to get out.
There are many ways to read, and no way is more “real” reading than another! Read stories, read information, read pictures. Read big fat books, read newsprint pamphlets, read electronic screens both paper-imitative and shiny, read boxes, read signs. Read with your eyes, your ears, your fingers.
But I’ve said all that before. This time I want to focus on my family’s favorite way to read: listening to me read out loud.
A lot of people think reading aloud is something you do for kids who can’t read themselves. Just today a preschooler at one of my storytimes told me proudly, “I can’t read, so my mommy reads to me…