NYCC: ‘Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary’ Review

3 min readOct 16, 2019

Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary is exactly what the Galaxy Quest movie is: a love letter to fans.

It is also pretty meta, given it’s a documentary about a fictional movie about the actors who played the crew of a fictional starship that literal aliens take as an a real spaceship crew. Then the actors have to become the characters they played to save their alien fans and themselves.

What we have is a real documentary about a movie about a fake show.

And I couldn’t wait to see it at New York Comic Con at a premiere screening.

Why? Because I can quote whole swaths of dialogue from Galaxy Quest, though my favorite line belongs to Sigourney Weaver: This episode was badly written! (I want to quote that everytime the world seems awry, which is a lot lately.)

Here’s a look at the trailer:




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